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Пример рекомендательного письма №1
Ukraine, Mykolayv, 54030, box 57, vyl.Sportivna 7,
phone (0512) 36-76-40
№27 December “16” 2003
I confirm that I know the master of a sailing sport Petr Ivanov by jointly training since 1993.
Petr Ivanov takes part in work of Nikolaev Regional Sailing Federation.
He constantly takes part in competitions and races region level, in Championships of Ukraine. He often was a winner in many competitions and races. He won the first ukrainian children Championship of Ukraine in class “Cadet”, also he won the Championship of Ukraine in class “Laser-2”.
He knows Classification and material part of a sailing yachts, a device and arms, has seized lifting and ship works. He studys the theory of a sailing yacht, the rules of sailing races and applies these knowledge in different competitions and in time of teaching young yachtsmens.
Petr is a hard-working yachtsmen, his constant search in improving his yachting skills, in analyzing reached, are the brightes example to work for perspective.
He took part in youth summer camps Mykolayv region and Herson region like a trainer of a sailing sport, where he showed his hard-work and successful organization of training not only high organizing abilities, but also leader's qualities necessary for successful participation in CAMP AMERICA.
He has never been sick for all time in Sailing Federation, never been late on actions and competitions and he always exercised his tasks in time. He behaves exemplarily, disciplined, constrained. Good developed phisically.
Has doubtless authority among comrades on sports and the senior comrades.
I think Petr Ivanov should be a candidate for participation in the International program of student's exchanges CAMP AMERICA.
If will be nesessary, please contact me by phones: home’s +380(512)40000, job’s +380 (512) 460000 or by e-mail: info@yachtclub.mk.ua
President of NRSSF Pimonenko Y.M.