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Примеры написания рекомендательных писем:
Пример рекомендательного письма №3
Peter S. Simpson 72 East 83rd Street New York, NY 10019 (212) 555-4635
Letter of Recommendation for Ralph Morris
June 2, 1998
To Whom It May Concern:
I had the pleasant opportunity to work closely with Ralph for six months during his employment at Q & R Services International. He occupied the desk next to mine, and we collaborated on several projects together. I am pleased to say that Ralph is a team player, a kind and sincere individual, and an ideal coworker.
Ralph always did more than his share of the work on the projects we shared. He often took the initiative to get things started and picked up the slack when things were going slowly. I was glad to work with him, since the higher-ups always praised the assignments we completed together. Ralph was nice to everybody at the office, and just about everyone seemed to like him.
I highly recommend Ralph for whatever position he may decide to take up next. He is the type of employee that anyone would be happy to work with.
Peter S. Simpson