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Пример 2 |
Примеры написания резюме:
Пример резюме №2
Alena Ivanova
1 Nikolskya st., 4 apt.
Mykolaiv, 54030, Ukraine
Tel: +38 0512 XXX - XXX
E-mail: youremail@com.net
Mykolaiv State Humanitarian University after P. Mohila, Ukraine
Problem-solving information systems, 2004 – Present
Estimated graduation – 2010
Work Experience:
Job one: | Design studio "DDD", Kharkov (August 2005 - Present) Web designer:
Job two: | Grocery store "MiniShop", Mykolaiv (June – August 2005) Cashier and shop assistant:
Job three: | "Yakitoriya" restaurant, Mykolaiv (March – May, 2005) Waitress:
Job four: | "Astoria" fancy Russian restaurant, Mykolaiv (January – March, 2005) Waitress:
Russian (native speaker), Ukrainian (native speaker), English (good), German (basic)
Additional skills and personal information:
- Leadership and good communicational skills
- Fast learner, intelligent
- Responsible, reliable, patient, willing to work overtime
- High knowledge of different computer applications (general: MS Office, Internet; special: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Corel, Adobe ImageReady)
- Enjoy tennis, swimming, participate in the university badminton team
- Able to travel around the world, studying foreign languages and culture